Audiobook Giveaway of Lost Faith and Wandering Souls
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Claim a Free Audiobook Now of Lost Faith and Wandering Souls
Friends of Lake Drive Books,
We’re making available five free copies of the new audiobook edition of Lost Faith and Wandering Souls, David Morris’s insightful and penetrating analysis of what happens when we lose our faith and how we take steps forward.
All you have to do is respond to this email, and let us know you’d like a free copy, and we’ll mail you a code and a link on Audible where you can redeem your completely free audiobook. After that, all you have to do is go to your Audible account and start listening.
We just ask that you consider leaving an honest review about the book (and the narration) on Audible or Amazon.
This book was wonderfully and professionally narrated by Andy Pearson, who found reading the book so helpful, and who’s become an ally in making this audiobook possible.
This offer is available only to the first five people who respond to this mailing, though watch for other offers later on social media. Also, feel free to claim a copy and then send the code to a friend, or just send this email to a friend, as long as they act fast.
So respond now, and also know that as a subscriber to this newsletter, you can watch for more free audiobook offers from Lake Drive Books in the future!
David Morris, Publisher (oh, and that’s me, the author, too, in this case!)
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