Now on Sale, a Memoir that Is Sure to Inform and Inspire
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Release Day for Intersexion: A Story of Faith, Identity, and Authenticity
Friends, I was headed from Michigan to the Wild Goose conference in North Carolina last September when I first heard about Pitch Wars on Twitter, more briefly known as #PitMad.
The #PitMad idea was that authors pitch their book idea in 280 characters or less, and editors and agents looking for new books and authors would simply “like” the post. Then, the author would know who to reach out to through social media to submit their book proposal. It’s a brilliant idea because right there in a simple Tweet you may have crafted your elevator pitch for your book, and you may have made an unlikely connection between an author and a publishing professional.
I’m so grateful to Pitch Wars as it helped me discover some wonderful authors for the inaugural launch of Lake Drive Books (which is why it’s especially sad for me that they’ve shut down the volunteer program). I was pretty careful with each pitch that I responded to, but couldn’t believe I was finding things that would work, really work, in my mind, for a startup house.
And come to find out, these authors would change my life. You really have no idea how rich things are out there in the grassroots, if you know where and how to look, or if you stumble upon it like I did. The race to the expensive, competitive top by so many publishers these days means they are missing out on some amazing stories, incredible insights, and some beautiful, meaningful writing.
That’s what you’ll get in Intersexion: A Story of Faith, Identity, and Authenticity. This is a book that took guts and a lot of hard work to write. It hooked me reading it in manuscript form. You'll get into both Danny's and Cynthia's stories, not sure which one you're rooting for the most, but it's their story together that makes the book sing.
If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll go get a copy today. Go to and find out more about this incredible memoir and purchase it from your favorite retailer now!
And go and learn more about author Cynthia Vacca Davis at
David Morris, Publisher, Lake Drive Books
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