So, personally, the language of “spiritual seekers” is a huge turn-off. I grew up with “seeker sensitive” evangelicalism, where “seeking” was fine, so long as you eventually concluded the Bible is inerrant and that means you have to vote Republican. If you want to reach atheists and agnostics with this book, I strongly suggest dropping that language—but maybe we’re just not the audience you’re after

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Oh not to worry, no covert evangelizing here! And I believe we were using it in the context of the "market" that is more spiritual or woo-woo, before evangelicals appropriated it perhaps. But even the woo woo market has its trappings. Maybe seeker is a good word to avoid regardless.

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Aug 21Liked by LakeDriveBooks

Learning to recognize and heal from trauma, and learning to live in community as social creatures, would be great focus as well.

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Interesting idea... I like the title "This is NOT a daily devotional." Perhaps bc I like the title of my new book :)

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Aug 20Liked by LakeDriveBooks

The idea sounds interesting........just trying to think of a replacement word for Anti, not 'Alternative', but what?? 'Opposite' of daily devotionals....Maybe keep Anti,,,, will catch curious people..... Or Not So Daily Devotionals.

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Thanks for the feedback. Noted!

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Maybe 'un-daily' or 'occasional' or 'sometimes'? I do like Not So Daily.

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Aug 20Liked by LakeDriveBooks

I picked sacred in the everyday, but I’d also like ways to heal from trauma.

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